My Inner Mime Painting
- Original and single piece soft pastels on paper
- This painting is part of OV’s Collection “Insights”
- 12″ in (w) x 16″ in (h)
- The painting is signed
- The frame is not included
- Dispatches from Canada
- Free shipping to Canada and the US
- The painting will be delivered well packed
Please review the artist’s terms of service before you finalize your purchase
Free delivery within Canada and the US. Dispatches from Canada.
Processing Time (the time it will take me to prepare your item for shipment (e.g. painting, souvenir, etc.): 5 business days.
Estimated Delivery Date: The estimated delivery date is when your order should arrive. Generally, the estimated delivery date is based on a combination of the processing time, the transit time (how long the package is typically in transit with the shipping carrier), and today’s date.
Processing time + Carrier transit time + 5-9 days depending on the destination within the US and Canada)= Estimated Delivery Date.
For example: If the processing time for an item you purchased is 5 days, and the transit time for the shipping method you chose is usually 5-9 days (within the US and Canada), your estimated delivery date is 10-15 days from today.
I gladly accept cancellations, if you request it within 24 hours of purchase.
I do not accept returns or exchanges, because of the nature of the items, I cannot accept returns or exchanges. But please contact me if you have problems with your order.